Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cloud Computing Virtual Machine Software Patch

Question: Discuss about the Cloud Computing for Virtual Machine Software Patch. Answer: Introduction ABC Payrolls should opt for the IaaS for the Cloud Computing which is able to provide the virtualized computing resource on the Internet. With this, a third party provider is able to host the software, hardware and the other storage systems. The providers use the host user application in order to handle the system with the resilience planning and the backup. The platforms offer the highly scalable resources which are easy to adjust and are in demand. This workload is based on the temporary form where the characteristics of the automation are based on the dynamic scaling, desktop virtualization and the other policy based services. (Yamato et al., 2015). Iaas Provider The ABC Payrolls should focus on switching to cloud where the focus has been on the entire infrastructure, system management and the monitoring. The IaaS provider work on the user overloading and properly including the services which are including the Amazon Web Services, Windows Azure and the Google Compute Engine. This allows the organization to work on the computing of the equipment and the resources like the server, storage and the networking with load balancing and content delivery of the networks. The provider works on owing and maintaining the equipment with the services that hold the management and the specialized services. The evaluation is based on handling the management functions and the other monitoring tools to identify the management and the service level agreements with the customer support. The vendors focus on integrating the public cloud service with the infrastructure that will be able to create the hybrid environment. (Da Cunha et al., 2016). Through AWS, it is easy work on the full range of the computing and the storage settings which are based on-demand instances and other specialized services like the Amazon Elastic Map Reduce and the Cluster GPU Instances. They have been able to offer the workflow with the passing of the messages and the archival storage with in-memory caching of the services and the other search patterns with both relational and the NoSQL database. This contains the complete mixture of the services where the flow of work is for the complex areas to the project expenses. Conclusion ABC Payrolls are able to deliver the scalability, no investment in the hardware with the utility style costing and the location independence which is helpful for the cloud hosting with the on demand scalability to deal with the different unexpected demands which are on the website. The customers need to pay on the per- use basis where the providers also have been able to charge the customers as per the amount which is based on the virtual machine space. The model is able to eliminate the capital expenses of the deployment of the in-house hardware and software. Reference Yamato, Y. (2015). Automatic system test technology of virtual machine software patch on IaaS cloud.IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering,10(S1), S165-S167. Da Cunha Rodrigues, G., Calheiros, R. N., Guimaraes, V. T., Santos, G. L. D., de Carvalho, M. B., Granville, L. Z., ... Buyya, R. (2016, April). Monitoring of cloud computing environments: concepts, solutions, trends, and future directions. InProceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing(pp. 378-383). ACM.

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